Thursday 2 May 2013


- Everybody sweats; but by using a deodorant or antiperspirant, you'll smell great and feel great.
-Pluck your brows just after a shower, when the pores are still open- it's a lot less painful!
- Keep your hair clean - dirty, greasy hair is not a good look.
- Moisturize your skin while it's still damp so that you lock in the moisture.
- Exfoliate your body and face twice a week to get rid of all the dead cells that dull it.
- Even if your make-up has a built in sun block, use a proper one after you moisturize and before you put on your make-up.
-Change your sanitary wear regularly to stay fresh and clean.
28. CAN IT!
- Make sure you aren't using cosmetics that you've had open for more than a year.
- To soothe irritation, reduce redness and dry out pimples, apply a dab of toothpaste to them.
- A soft or medium bristled toothbrush is better than a hard one, which could hurt your gums and damage the enamel on you teeth.

Thursday 18 April 2013


- Detangle long hair by holding it in one hand and gently combing it with your other hand.

- When you brush your teeth, don't forget to brush your tongue, too.

Try a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation.

- Warm water is better...showering or bathing in water that's too hot will dry out your skin.

- Don't forget to clean under your fingernails-you'd be amazed at what gathers there, especially under long nails.

- You wouldn't go outside in the sunshine without a sunscreen on your face, so don't leave your hair bare either. use hair care products with sunscreen.

- Not just your teeth-brush below you gum line too!

- Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol-they can dry out your mouth.

- Just because it's winter, don't think you can skip the sun protection-wear sunscreen EVERY DAY.

- Floss and brush! you'll have great looking teeth and fresh breath if you floss and brush for at least two minutes each day.


- Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect yourself from the sun.

-Your freckles are part of you, so embrace them! If you try hide them, you'll just look like you're wearing too much make-up.

- Rinse your face after workout to remove sweat, grime and spot-causing bacteria.

- Don't bite! Biting your nails and picking your cuticles can damage your nail bed.

- Replace your toothbrush at least every three months to ensure squeaky-clean teeth.

Friday 5 April 2013

Taking Care Ourself.

These are book we got yesterday during hanging out for a long time at bookstore-POPULAR- I like these book. As a women, of course these books are interesting. Just look the title. We got these book in colorful is one bonus for us..thanks "chingu" for buy these book. Gonna read it for more knowledge and information!!! 

~~ iT's ApRiL~~

Mission 1

## Cut Hair DONE!!!!##


Saturday 16 March 2013

God never Blink!

by Regina Brett

Buy this book a month ago...
Still struggling read it, I like reading but I'm slow in reading, it take a long time to me read a book...
There are 50 lessons in this book...
All the 50 lessons wake up me, they teach me the meaning of LIFE...
This book also guide you through word call "LIFE"...
**wanna read it??? just tell me...^___^V

Friday 15 March 2013

Be Thankful!!!


##first time masak telur+sardine##
still yummy baaa.... ^___^V

Thursday 14 March 2013


Medical check-up time


me and adele

Love&Respect <God Bless>

Thank You...

Tuhan,terima kasih untuk berkat ini. Ini sangat membantu saya untuk membeli barang2 yang diperlukan untuk praktikal nanti. Terima kasih juga kepada kerajaan. wink2 ^__*

Momom Time wif frens & Cuzzy

5 Star Hainanese Chicken Rice

Always with them-Sunday service-

Saturday 2 March 2013

~~Practicum Briefing~~

Tim's, On's, Ren, Dale

 Yesterday, we went to practicum briefing at our campus. I'm a little bit excited. I think my friends too felt like that BUT at the end, after the briefing....who knows our feeling.......=.=

Detz, Momoi, Lver, Eby

Thursday 28 February 2013

It is all about PRAYER. Prayer is the only way we can communicate with God. Wherever, whenever we can talk to our Father. He never sleep...never blink, and always watch over us...sometimes, we felt/ we said "God,where are You??? I need You now..". We felt that God is far away from us,BUT remember that He never leave us alone!!! and think back... may be kita yang menjauhkan diri dari Tuhan tanpa kita sedari...
PRAY. it doesn't mean we need to close our eyes...wherever we are, we can talk with God..just talk with Him with u all heart. May be, we are in bus and remember that our friend have a hard time. Pray for her/him!!! calm down, take u time and just talk to God silently...I'm always do this,sometimes after I finished my shower...I take time to pray,when I'm alone, even in crowded place....and everywhere!!!!!!!! I like to PRAY... I'm not show off here but I like to share what I felt good and may be can encourage us too keep pray/talk to our God....

 God bless all!!! ^___^V

~~miss on's~~

Renungan Pagi.

Bacaan : Yunus 2:1-9

“Ketika jiwaku letih lesu di dalam aku, teringatlah aku kepada TUHAN, dan sampailah doaku kepada-Mu, ke dalam bait-Mu yang kudus.” (Yunus 2:7)

Jerry berdoa dalam keheningan. Segala kepedihan hatinya ia luapkan kepada Tuhan sebagai tanda penyerahan dirinya secara total. Sudah lama ia tidak menikmati masa-masa indah di hadirat-Nya. Kekerasan hatinya untuk tidak mendengarkan nasihat ibunya telah menyebabkan Jerry harus kehilangan salah satu kakinya akibat kecelakaan yang menimpanya. Kecelakaan itu bagaikan obat yang menyadarkannya. Walau penderitaan itu menghancurkan hatinya, tetapi setidaknya penderitaan itulah yang telah mengingatkannya untuk kembali lagi ke jalan Tuhan.

Tidak jarang penderitaan menjadi sarana yang dipakai Tuhan untuk menarik seseorang kembali kepada-Nya. Ada kalanya ketidak-taatan dan ketidak-pekaan seseorang akan kehendak Tuhan telah mengizinkan-Nya untuk menariknya kembali dengan cara yang sedikit lebih keras. Jika kita mengabaikan peringatan kecil dari Tuhan, maka Tuhan tidak segan membiarkan kita mengalami peringatan yang lebih keras. Peringatan itu bisa berupa kecelakaan, yang bisa terjadi sebagai konsekuensi dari kesalahan kita.

Demikian juga yang pernah dialami oleh Yunus ketika ia memilih jalan untuk tidak menaati Tuhan dan berjalan seturut dengan pilihannya sendiri. Ketidak-taatan itu membawa ia mengalami penderitaan yang harus ditanggung sebagai konsekuensi dari kesalahannya. Dalam suasana mencekam di dalam perut ikan, Yunus pun memanjatkan doanya, “Ketika jiwaku letih lesu di dalam aku, teringatlah aku kepada TUHAN, dan sampailah doaku kepada-Mu, ke dalam bait-Mu yang kudus.”

Tak dapat dibayangkan bagaimana perih dan letihnya hati Yunus kala memanjatkan doa tersebut. Doa itu menyadarkan kita, bahwa terkadang kita hanya akan ingat Tuhan saat melalui masa sukar dan penderitaan. Menariknya, kasih Tuhan itu tidak dibatasi dengan kesalahan kita. Sungguh suatu kasih yang luar biasa. Keluar-biasaan kasih Tuhan ini juga digambarkan melalui kisah seorang anak yang hilang yang pergi menghabiskan harta bapanya, setelah kehabisan uang dan mengalami penderitaan, ia pun kembali ke bapanya, dan bapanya menerimanya dengan penuh sukacita. Saudaranya yang melihat itu tidak bisa menerimanya. Itulah gambaran kasih Tuhan, suatu hal yang sulit diterima oleh akal manusia. Kasih Tuhan tidak terhalang oleh apa pun. Tuhan tidak menutup telinga, saat kita lupa akan dia dalam masa kesenangan dan datang berseru di saat kita benar-benar tertekan, terdesak, butuh pertolongan-Nya, dan merasakan keletihan jiwa.

Kala keletihan jiwa menerpa jiwa kita, ingatlah, seruan kepada Tuhan menjadi kemenangan yang akan menghampiri hidup kita. Adalah baik jika kita mengingat Tuhan ketika jiwa kita merasa letih. Tetapi lebih baik lagi, jika dalam keadaan aman-aman, semua nyaman, kita tetap memelihara hubungan dengan-Nya. Jangan hanya saat genting dan bahaya menyerang, kita berseru kepada-Nya. Janganlah menjauh dari Tuhan!

“Bapa di Sorga, kuatkanlah aku kala mengalami keletihan jiwa dan tetap ingat dan berseru kepada-Mu sebagai pelepas segal;a kesesakan. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus aku memohon. Amin.”

Monday 25 February 2013


>>>It's been a long time...............................................we went to jogging again!!! yeah,time to wake up..time to be healthy.... :D

waiting for the bus...^^

>>> before go too far, we warm up our body...adele and me doing push up!! yeah...that's GREAT!!! Adele done 30 while me only 20...:D
**Good starting.

>>> we are walk up the stairway...u can see that at the is

>>> for the first time, we went up to the hill-uupppp there-(di atas lagi dari tu tangga)... after struggling, we reach up at the peak of the hill...and the picture (left) is the scenery over there.. we saw almost around Kota Kinabalu...hahaha but it is NICE&GREAT there... :D

yeah...we took a lot of pictures!!!!!!! First time is the always great memory...never ever same with the second time and further.....

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Fun time!!! ^___^

~ Evening activities~

1. playing with hair-we are trying to be nerd actually,muahahaha. I like to make something memorable with them. If can, I want to capture what we all do every second. What to do, it's maybe too much if I do,hihi ^____^V

we are cute, lovely and warm 

2. I love camera!!! where ever the camera go, I will there for them. Deep inside me, I want to be a photographer. If can.......can I be a modelling??? hahahaha I'm short!!! It is possible to me???? never mind, I'm happy to be mine, I'M GRATEFUL!!! THANK YOU LORD COS MAKE ME CUTE.............................................................(mood happy)


3. Our dinner tonight is BURGER!!! Is that healthy???? yes, it is healthy if we are not often eat it,hihihi (kc senang hati). hmmmm..... nyam2...

looks delicious right....

FINISH FOR TODAY...TO BE CONTINUED............. ^___^v

February 2013(New Semester)

Two weeks ago, my new semester start again with registration day. My friends and me went together to our campus to register. New sem, new subject, meet new lecturer, and................

Yesterday, I went to class. I had two class yesterday which is Introduction to Statistical Analysis and Pengajian Malaysia. And today, I still have class on the evening-Knowledge Economy class followed by tomorrow evening ; Human Resources Management. 

I'm a little bit excited because this year is my final war to finish my study. I always promise to myself to do my very best in whatever I do. For this sem also, I want to achieve my goals...

Honestly, I regret and disappointed with my past where I'm not serious in something what I doing. But, from that I got many lessons. So, I need to think in positive side and courage myself. One quote say "Winner is not always number one but winner is who strive till the end".



I wish I can be some of them...s o m e d a y..............^_______^V

Sunday 17 February 2013


A year ago, my friend told me about BLOG, (tq fren). At first, I'm excited and always login in my own blog after created it. A few months after that, I have no desire to be blogger because I have no idea what to write, what to post, what to upload and etc........ I pause for a long2 time with my blog. Sometime, I visit my blog.

Recently, I read one book that really open my mind. That book open my mind in every area of LIFE. And one of them is to go to my blog again and write something there. Just write what's on your mind!!! BUT, privacy is still privacy,hihihi. Use blog appropriately, make fun with the blog, doing something that make you feel happy with the world. These are some of what I have learnt from that book; "DOING SOMETHING THAT MAKE YOU FEEL HAPPY".

So, now I'm starting to have fun with my blog again and I hope I can learn something new, useful and the most important is I'M HAPPY!!!

-Thank you friend-

~~NeW RecipE~~

Yesterday, after church fellowship Fyra and me went to Center Point (CP) to take our lunch. As usual, we took our lunch at Palm Square Restaurant. It is comfortable to eat there because not crowded and tidy. Extra bonus again cos the food there also delicious and the food charge also appropriate. Yesterday, we tried new recipe there.  

Penang Kuey Teow with me.
Laksa Melaka with Fyra.
That's all about yesterday lunch...feel like i'm hungry again!!!! *sigh*

Saturday 16 February 2013

~~Today Outing~~

...just talking about that yesterday evening without knowing it will be real today. Today we were going to Air Terjun Kionsom Inanam(with housemate). Thanks God cos guide us. I'm happy and excited cos can share time there with my friends.
n waiting for the bus.

selepas mandi2 d sungai.
nice???I look myself a little bit chubby,muahahahaha never mind as long as i'm happy!!!! ^____^

before leaving,take a picture is a right thing to do. it's will become a wonderful memory.

Thanks God for everything. While writing this, i'm chatting with tim's at facebook and she told me something bad with this place,huhuhu. By the way, thanks God for everything once again. We are save!!! THANK YOU LORD,AMEN.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Watching new drama...

let's join me watching Korean drama:

have fun together!!! ^___^V

I'm coming...

today is 14/02/2013~VALENTINE DAY~
What have u done on this day??? I haven't done anything,jut hanging out with friends(high school friend). I'm not celebrate this day-simply,just wish "happy valentine day to my friends"... :p
I hope everyday is our valentine day with our family, friends, people around us, as well as LOVE the WORLD. Anyway......