Saturday, 2 March 2013

~~Practicum Briefing~~

Tim's, On's, Ren, Dale

 Yesterday, we went to practicum briefing at our campus. I'm a little bit excited. I think my friends too felt like that BUT at the end, after the briefing....who knows our feeling.......=.=

Detz, Momoi, Lver, Eby
What a bright smile before the practicum briefing start. No stress, no fear, no worries- we are just excited-

First of all, I want to say that my baju kurung is too bright. GREEN!!! We are together fighting with our practicum next semester. It sounds too hard, make us stress and worries all about the things. Wondering what will happen, can the students understand what I will trying to teach later, can I communicate properly with my surrounding, and so many questions hanging out on our minds right now......and the most critical question now is WHERE I AM GOING TO PRACTICAL???????? huh....STRESS!!!!!!!!!! It is hard to make a choice. If we choose the school around Kota Kinabalu and Penampang you will have an opportunity to get A in your practical BUT unfortunately for those who choose outside Kota Kinabalu and Penampang, it is hard to get A because of the supervisor. How dare the supervisor do like that to us?????!!!! Another matter is students outside Kota Kinabalu and Penampang easy to handle while students area Kota Kinabalu and Penampang hardly to control. Most of the students are more advance rather that teacher and how we as a practicum teacher can face them. Hmmmm, hard to me to make choice but I know whatever my decision there is no impossible if we let God involve first. 
Dear friends, 
Whatever our decision, we will can face it. Just let our God involve first in whatever we doing. He will give us strength and wisdom. Let's pray together for this case. Now, we only have 1 week to make a final decision. PRAYER CAN CHANGES THINGS!!!! GOD BLESS ALL.. ^___^V 

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